
Claircore is the engine behind the Clair v4 container security solution. The Claircore package exports our domain models, interfaces necessary to plug into our business logic, and a default set of implementations. This default set of implementations define our support matrix and consists of the following distributions and languages:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • RHEL
  • Red Hat Container First content
  • SUSE
  • Oracle
  • Alpine
  • AWS Linux
  • VMWare Photon
  • Python
  • Java
  • Go
  • Ruby

Claircore relies on PostgreSQL for its persistence and the library will handle migrations if configured to do so.

The diagram below is a high level overview of Claircore's architecture.

graph LR
subgraph Indexer
im[Image Manifest]
im --> libindex --> iir
iir -.-> db[(Database)]
graph LR
subgraph Matcher
mir --> libvuln --> vr
db[(Database)] -.-> mir

When a claircore.Manifest is submitted to Libindex, the library will index its constituent parts and create a report with its findings.

When a claircore.IndexReport is provided to Libvuln, the library will discover vulnerabilities affecting it and generate a claircore.VulnerabilityReport.