Testing Clair

We provide dev tooling in order to quickly get a fully configured Clair and Quay environment stood up locally. This environment can be used to test and develop Clair's Quay integration.



Make is used to stand up the local dev environment. Make is readily available in just about every package manager you can think of. It's very likely your workstation already has make on it.

Podman/Docker and Docker Compose

Currently our local dev tooling is supported by docker and docker-compose. Podman should work fine since v3.0.

Docker version 19.03.11 and docker-compose version 1.28.6 are confirmed working. Our assumption is most recent versions will not have an issue running the local dev tooling.

See Get Started with Podman.

Go Toolchain

Go 1.20 or higher is required.

See Install Golang.

Starting a cluster

git clone git@github.com:quay/clair.git
cd clair
docker-compose up -d
# or: make local-dev
# or: make local-dev-debug
# or: make local-dev-quay

After the local development environment successfully starts, the following infrastructure is available to you:

  • localhost:8080

    Dashboards and debugging services -- See the traefik configs in local-dev/traefik for where the various services are served.

  • localhost:6060

    Clair services.

  • Quay (if started)

    Quay will be started in a single node, local storage configuration. A random port will be forwarded from localhost, see podman port for the mapping.

  • PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL will have a random port forwarded from localhost to the database server. See local-dev/clair/init.sql for credentials and permissions and podman port for the mapping.


With the local-dev-debug make target the operator has access to some more useful tools:

pgAdminPostgres administrationlocalhost:8080/pgadminclair@clair.com:clair
jaegerDistributed tracinglocalhost:8080/jaeger-
prometheusMetrics collection and queryinglocalhost:8080/prom-
pyroscopeContinuous profilinglocalhost:8080/pyroscope-
grafanaMetrics dashboardslocalhost:8080/grafanaadmin:admin

Pushing to the Local Quay

As mentioned above, Quay is forwarded to a random port on the host. You can connect to the server on that port and create a account. Creating an account named admin will ensure you are a super user. An email is required, but is not validated. You'll also need to create a namespace.

To push to Quay, you'll need to exec into the skopeo container:

docker-compose exec -it skopeo /usr/bin/skopeo copy --dest-creds '<user>:<pass>' --dest-tls-verify=false <src> docker://clair-quay:8080/<namespace>/<repo>:<tag>

Note that skopeo expects its image arguments in containers-transports(5) format.

Viewing Results

By default, Quay displays security scanner results on the Tags page of the given repository.

Making changes to configuration

You may want to play with either Clair or Quay's configuration. If so, the configuration files can be found inside the repository at local-dev/quay/config.yaml and local-dev/clair/config.yaml. Any changes to the configs will require a restart of the relevant service. The quay-specific clair config is autogenerated, see the Makefile.

Tearing it down

docker-compose down

will rip the entire environment down.


The most common issue encountered when standing up the dev environment is port conflicts. Make sure that you do not have any other processes listening on any of the ports outlined above.

The second issue you may face is your Docker resource settings being too constrained to support the local dev stack. This is typically seen on Docker4Mac since a VM is used with a specific set of resources configured. See Docker For Mac Manual for instructions on how to change these resources.

If docker-compose reports errors like Unsupported config option for services.activemq: 'profiles', the docker-compose version is too old and you'll need to upgrade. Consult the relevant documentation for your environment for instructions.

Lastly, you can view traefik's ui at localhost:8080/dashboard/.