
An Ecosystem groups together scanners and coalescers which are often used together. Ecosystems are usually defined in a go package that corresponds to a package manager, such as dpkg. See dpkg/ecosystem.go for an example.

The Indexer will retrieve artifacts from the provided scanners and provide these scan artifacts to the coalescer in the Ecosystem.

package indexer // import ""

type Ecosystem struct {
	PackageScanners      func(ctx context.Context) ([]PackageScanner, error)
	DistributionScanners func(ctx context.Context) ([]DistributionScanner, error)
	RepositoryScanners   func(ctx context.Context) ([]RepositoryScanner, error)
	FileScanners         func(ctx context.Context) ([]FileScanner, error)
	Coalescer            func(ctx context.Context) (Coalescer, error)
	Name                 string
    Ecosystems group together scanners and a Coalescer which are commonly used

    A typical ecosystem is "dpkg" which will use the "dpkg" package indexer,
    the "os-release" distribution scanner and the "apt" repository scanner.

    A Controller will scan layers with all scanners present in its configured